Chanson pour dire bonjour en anglais


Hi, little boys. Hi, little girls. Hello, hello, hello.
Hi, little boys. Hi, little girls. Hello, hello, hello.
Go and ask your friend, ask "how are you?"
I'm good, and you?
Go and ask your friend, ask "how are you?"
I'm great, I'm wonderful.
I'm great, I'm wonderful.
High five, give-me a hug, shake my hands
Send me a kiss, high five.
Send me a kiss, high five.


Hi ! - Salut!

little boys - petits garçons

little girls - petites filles

hello - bonjour

go and ask - va demander

your friend - ton ami

ask - demande

How are you? - Comment ça va!

I'm great - Ça va super !

I'm wonderful - Ça va à merveille !   

high five - tape cinq 

give-me a hug - Fais-moi un câlin 

shake my hands - serre-moi la main

send me a kiss - envoie-moi un bisou       


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